Mobile Marketing For The Holidays [Infographic]

October 23rd, 2017

Developers, get your clients and companies ready for the holiday season. It's going to be a mobile blockbuster.

As we continue to rush towards the holidays (it's almost November?!?!), companies are preparing for the holiday season.

Whatever the industry, mobile seems to play a huge part in it.

And why not? Everywhere I look, everyone has one of "them thar new fancy fangled handheld deee-vices." (not my best country talk for smartphones and tablets).

With eCommerce expected to double this year for mobile, companies are bulking up on servers, fine-tuning UI's, and looking to place the perfect price on their products for their customers.

For freelance developers and their clients, it may already be too late to prep the site for the holiday season. As I mentioned, we're on the tail end of October.

Now, some of my readers are probably asking "Why would I focus on mobile marketing on a programming blog?"

Which brings me to my infographic for this post.

The awesome team over at compiled and created an infographic on 104 Interesting Facts That You Don't Know About Mobile Marketing where they compare desktop vs. mobile, niches that work best, ( attention) great mobile marketing techniques, adoption, friendliness, and others.

As we get closer to the holidays, I'll be posting other topics pertaining to eCommerce, holiday programming, updating my Christmas list for techies, and other tips and tricks for developers along with coding techniques and projects as well.

Get ready for the holiday season!

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