Top 8 Essential Tools for Freelancers

October 12th, 2020

In today's post, our guest blogger, Brad Smith gives freelancers a list of tools essential in their day-to-day career

Freelancing is a dream come true for anyone who fancies freedom. One of the major advantages of freelance work is the ability to work from wherever you are, whenever you want to. Most freelancers do not have to cancel travel plans just to work; they can work from any part of the world.

No one ever tells freelancers exactly how challenging running a business can get, even if it is a dream job. Luckily, there is a range of tools available for you to keep your operations smooth and efficient. The downside to this is that the tools are so many that choosing the right ones for your business can get overwhelming.

Here are some insights to help you pick the tools that work for you.

1. Communication Tools

A successful business is built on effective communications between all business partners both internal and external. As such, communications must be secure, prompt and clear.

Here are some tools that help with effective communication.

2. Cloud Storage Tools

Working remotely means that you should be able to work from any device. As such, you need not travel with your home PC. You can work from a laptop or any other device available to you as long as you ensure that the internet connection for the device is secure.

 To ensure work continuity, you should be able to access business files easily. This is where cloud storage comes in to save the day.

Here are a few tools you can consider.

3. Productivity Tools

Freelancers need to stay focused and productive at all times in order to keep the business thriving.  It is easy to do this even when on the move using public WIFI. If you are having a hard time managing various aspects of personal life and business demands, here are some tools that may be of help.

4. Time Management Tools

You need to know how to manage your time to be productive. Here are some of the time-tracking tools you can use to help you stay productive.

5. Project Management Tools

The success of your freelance business is dependent on how well you manage your projects. When on the move, you need not worry since you can still access your projects securely through a VPN connection.

If you are struggling with project management, you need the help of any of the following tools.

6. Money Management Tools

A business is only as successful as its prowess in managing cash flow. As such, here are a few tools that will help in the management of business finances.

7. Security Tools

Security for business assets and information is one of the most important aspects of any successful venture. As a freelancer, you are prone to attacks especially since you may access business information via multiple devices.  Here are a few tools that may help.

8. Content Development Tools

As a freelancer, you will need to constantly write marketing content to reach out to customers. Here are some tools that may come in handy.


Freelancers have a range of tools at their disposal to make life easier. While some of these tools are freely available while some may cost you. As such, do your research and get the best tools that your budget can allow.

What tools do you think are the best for freelancers? Is this the best list? Post your comments below and let's discuss.