Deep, nested objects cause problems when refactoring. In today's post, I explain why it's better to refactor a class into an easier implementation using the Law of Demeter.
Everyone gets down from time to time. Today, I share my collection of motivational and inspirational links I refer to once in a while.
There are various myths about coding, but is it really that hard for beginners? In today's post, I talk about some programming myths and why some of them are false.
When a developer is brought in to a project, most managers believe the developer will automatically start writing code and understand the system. Today, I discuss why that isn't so.
Looking for a smaller keyboard for portability? Today, we review the new Wekey portable keyboard.
What do you do when you need a large amount of test data for your unit tests? In today's post, I show you how to create dummy data using NBuilder and Faker.
XML is still being used by legacy applications. Today, I provide a list of quick recipes for managing and manipulating XML using LINQ.
If a third-party JavaScript library requires a modification, does it make sense to Monkey Patch or Duck Punch it?
When a client hands you data for a project, it's usually in a database of some kind. Today, I'll demonstrate how to work some Excel magic to import a hierarchy into a database.
We created a server-side validation attribute before, but how do we validate it on the client-side? In today's post, I answer a reader's request on how to add JavaScript validation to our DateTime comparer.