Your audience wants a fast website. Don't disappoint them. In today's post, I cover ten ways to speed up your ASP.NET MVC application.
Everyone loves to take their content with them and read it offline. Today, I show you an easy way to create dynamic PDFs for your audience using iTextSharp and the Razor Engine.
If you're new to Entity Framework (EF) Core 1.0, you may have noticed the Reverse Engineer code-first extension doesn't work. Today, I show a quick tip on using the equivalent in EF Core 1.0.
Today's business owner needs a certain level of technology savvy. In this post, I discuss five ways to set your business apart from your competition.
If you are just starting out with ASP.NET MVC, I thought this would be a good resource by presenting this dictionary to assist my readers in understanding everything about ASP.NET MVC.
Today, I show you the results of my attempt to make my site work with Google Amp along with a way to change tags in your resulting HTML.
If you are interested in learning yet another JavaScript MVC Framework, today, I will be showing you how to setup Visual Studio to create your own Aurelia application with ASP.NET MVC.
A while ago, I bought a RocketBook on IndieGoGo and received it three months ago. Today, I review the RocketBook and cover a simple idea on using it to its full potential.
Lately, I've been making some NuGet packages and I wanted a quicker way to build and deploy them. Today, I go over how to automatically build and push your assemblies to your own NuGet repository.
NDepend takes code analysis to a whole new level. In this review, I cover the benefits of owning this must-have tool.