On a previous piece of code, dependency injection should have been used on my ViewModelBuilder. Today, I provide a cleaner way to do my ViewModelBuilder.
ActionFilters have been around since the first release of ASP.NET MVC. Today, I give you my five favorite ActionFilters to use right away in your MVC code.
If you've been around for a while in the coding industry, why wouldn't you break out and moonlight? Today, I list a number of freelance web sites where you can make money as a developer.
One of ReSharper's best kept secrets are Smart Templates. Today, I show you how to master your design patterns using a free download.
If you don't feel like using an ORM, like Entity Framework, you can build your own data layer. In this post, I talk about a different way to pull data from a database using a strategy pattern.
So how many broken links (404s) do you have on your site? Today, I talk about the two utilities I use for finding broken links on your site.
Since 2002, Web Forms was always the method for developing Microsoft Web Applicatons...until MVC came along. Today, I talk about the differences between Web Forms and MVC.
If you want to speed up your site, you need to make a minimum amount of requests. In today's post, we'll create a dynamic sprite image based on multiple images in a database.
In this digital age, it doesn't matter where you are in the world, freelance developers need the right tools in this mobile world. Today, I talk about all of the gadgets you need by going through my messenger bag.
Twitter's Bootstrap creates a CSS standard for "devigners" to build websites extremely fast. Today, I talk about 5 free libraries that enhance Bootstrap to give you more functionality.